Fishing Gear Bags made to fit your needs
Custom Fly Fishing BagsFishing Bags for your
Fly Rods
Fly boxes
leaders and Lines
Rain gear
Fishing gear
Design your own have them make you a bag for a combination of Fishing
Contact Gill or Linda
E-mail creativecanvasshop@gmail.com
Fly Rod Bag
58 X 8 X 5
With 48 inch zipper inside pocket for your reels and fly boxes or another rod.
The end zipper opens 3 inches down both sides for easy tube removal
2 inch foam rubber in the end of bag
Shoulder strap on other side

No one exceeds the best-in-class warranties that ensure Sunbrella
fabrics' superior performance for years. Not only that, but Sunbrella
fabrics now provide even greater water repellency than before with no
loss of breathability.
Designed by Tudor ApMadoc

Case will hold about six rods comfortably. Side pocket will hold flies, reels, rain jacket, fishing vest , socks etc. I took pictures of what I put into the side pocket before I closed it up. If you were not taking six rods other gear could be stowed in side pocket compartment.

Made in the USA